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What is Magento PWA and How Does It Benefit B2B and B2C ecommerce

  • Jul 12, 2024
  • By Rajeev Nar
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Today’s rapid digital world demands super-performing websites that are instrumental in a business. In case a website takes too long to load or needs to be mobile-friendly, potential customers may switch to those of competitors. Yet, here comes a remedy combining the advantages of websites and mobile applications into one consistent experience. This remedy is called Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), an innovative technology redefining all B2B and B2C eCommerce futures. This article will highlight Magento PWA, how it has changed the entire ecommerce scenario, and why it might be the right option for you.

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What Is Magento PWA?

In 2018, Magento launched PWA Studio, which combines Progressive Web Application (PWA) capabilities with its ecommerce platform. The launch provided tools for making online shopping experiences quick, reliable and engaging.

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) employ various technologies and best practices to provide an application-like experience in a web browser. Unlike conventional web apps built purely using HTML/CSS/JS technologies, PWAs present more advanced features, including offline access and push notifications, and are available on a home screen like native apps.

What are the differences between Magento PWA and native apps?

However, PWAs streamline more than that as compared to their counterparts, native apps:

No Installation Required: PWAs are usable via a web browser and can be added to the home screens of devices directly from websites without passing through an app store. This simplifies the process for your users, making it easier for them to access your website. 

Offline Capabilities: Instead of a network connection, PWAs, including service workers and cache content, enable users to interact with your site offline. Native apps also have offline capabilities, though they demand different development efforts per platform. 

Enhanced Performance: PWAs are designed for speed. They load quickly and provide smooth interactions due to advanced caching techniques. Native apps may be fast but often necessitate significant updates and maintenance. 

SEO Benefits: Unlike native apps, search engines index PWAs, increasing the ability to achieve outcomes. site’s search outcomes. On the other hand, native applications must be optimized differently for app store search engines.

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How Does Magento PWA Affect Ecommerce in B2B and B2C?

Magento PWA is metamorphosing the two different sectors of B2B Ecommerce and B2C commerce in several impactful methods:

Improved User Experience 

For both B2B and B2C consumers, user experience matters. It enhances user experience by offering Magento PWA, such as 

Faster Load Times: PWAs load nearly instantaneously, leading to greater customer satisfaction and fewer bounces. 

Responsive Design: PWAs are device agnostic, meaning they can be accessed on desktops, tablets or mobile phones regardless of screen size. 

App-Like Interactions: PWAs provide native app experiences such as smooth animations, intuitive navigation, and offline capabilities. 

Increased Conversion Rates 

Conversion rates are an essential metric for ecommerce success. Some features of Magento PWA can lead to: 

Higher Engagement: Features like push notifications or offline access keep customers involved and encourage them to visit frequently. 

Improved Performance: Reducing cart abandonment rate by increasing sales through faster load time and a smoother interface. 

Easier Access—Users can quickly return to your site because it can be added to their home screens with just one tap. 

Cost Efficiency 

Developing and maintaining native apps for multiple platforms (iOS and Android) can be expensive. Magento PWA, however, offers; 

Single Codebase: A single codebase for all platforms reduces development and maintenance costs. 

Lower Development Costs: PWAs leverage existing web technologies, which are often more cost-effective than building separate native apps.

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Magento PWA offers robust tools and frameworks to support growing businesses:

Modular Architecture: Magento’s PWA Studio supports a modular approach, making adding or modifying new features easier. 

Extensibility: The PWA Studio includes tools like PWA Buildpack, Peregrine, and Venia that help developers build and scale eCommerce solutions efficiently. 

Better Analytics and Insights: With Magento PWA, businesses can leverage advanced analytics tools to gain insights into user behaviour, which helps them make data-driven decisions. Features like GraphQL facilitate efficient data retrieval and querying, providing a detailed view of customer interactions.

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The Expansion of the Magento PWA Community

Ever since its introduction in 2018, Magento PWA has experienced substantial growth. As a Magento Agency, RVS Media is leading the way in this trend by assisting businesses in implementing PWA technology to improve their eCommerce platforms. Merchants and developers increasingly utilize various tools to construct and manage their eCommerce storefronts, aiming to achieve app-like functionality on their websites. Why Magento PWA Studio is Favourable for Your Business 

Magento PWA Studio is a set of tools that help you create mobile-friendly, fast, and reliable websites.

It includes several fundamental concepts and features that are essential to understand: 

Application Shell: A HTML file that serves as a basis for HTML. It was developed at the start of the project and is rarely edited. It serves as the primary user interface structure. 

Service Worker: A background script that helps in caching and resource retrieval. 

Component Data Binding: Connect dynamic data with the user interface. 

GraphQL: A data query language for the client that offers an alternative to REST endpoints. 

CSS Modules: Modular and reusable CSS styles for developing components. 

Client States, Reducers, and Actions: Concepts for managing web application states. 

Loading and Offline States: Management of application performance and availability. 

Container Extensibility: Allows re-use or modification of containers. 

Performance Patterns are strategies and patterns that, when implemented, can significantly boost the performance of your PWA. These include techniques for efficient data retrieval, caching, and resource management. 

Root Components and Routing are concepts that handle the structure of your PWA. For instance, a root component could be the main page of your website, and routing would determine how different URLs lead to different components.

Critical Path: The rendering path for processing HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.


Magento PWA is rapidly transforming the web, making it more user-friendly and efficient. With its innovative features and powerful tools, Magento PWA Studio is shaping the future of mobile web development. We RVS Media a leading Magento Ecommerce Agency are dedicated to helping businesses harness this technology to enhance their B2B and B2C eCommerce solutions. Embracing Magento PWA can help your company gain a competitive edge in the evolving digital landscape, all while ensuring a user-friendly experience for your customers.