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Client Review

Project Highlights

  • Platform Migration
  • Brand New Build
  • Rebranding
  • Bespoke Orderwise Integrations

Project Details

Project Overview

About Primeloops

We stock around 1000+ carefully selected downloadable products from 25+ outstanding labels. These also include in-house & exclusive labels such as Prime Loops, XXL Audio, Rast Sound & others.

We audition and hand-pick the best packs every week. Everything we sell has been thoroughly vetted for quality by our studio.


Primeloops, a platform offering music from over 25 labels, entrusted us with a multifaceted task. Our initial responsibility was to conduct a comprehensive code audit and eliminate unnecessary tools that had been oversold by the previous technical team. Concurrently, we were tasked with revamping the UX/UI and developing features to enhance the customer journey. Additionally, we had to migrate over 1 TB of data during the server migration process.


Given the customer’s previous unfavorable experience with their previous technical partner, we were met with a degree of uncertainty. However, we were ready to address any concerns, reassure them, and build their confidence in our ability to deliver the project on time and within budget, without a plethora of issues and bugs. To learn about the solutions we provided and their outcomes, please proceed to the next section.


We faced several challenges when delivering a project with primeloops. One of the primary challenges is managing the complexity of data migration. Transferring over 1 TB of data without loss or corruption requires meticulous planning and execution. Another challenge is the revamping of the UX/UI. This involves understanding the needs of the users, creating an intuitive design, and ensuring seamless integration with the existing system. The third challenge is dealing with legacy issues. The removal of unnecessary tools and code audit can be a daunting task, especially if the documentation is inadequate or non-existent. Lastly, building client trust can be challenging, particularly if the client has had a negative experience with a previous technical partner.

  • Navigating the intricate process of transferring extensive data.
  • Redesigning user interface and experience for enhanced usability.
  • Addressing and resolving problems inherited from previous systems.
  • Establishing confidence through reliable delivery and transparent communication.
Magic Ride
Magic Ride

What is the Outcome?

We diligently ensured that all implementations had a positive business impact. We monitored this for a year and observed the following improvements.


Improvement In Conversion Rates


Customer Loved The Improve UX/UI


Abandon Basket Rates


Increase In Add To Basket

Magic Ride

Our Streamlined Process

Our Process vary based on the customer needs and objective of the project, this specific case Primeloops was looking to improve user experience and fix broken outdated system in order to make sure their business runs smooth and without hiccups.

Review & ETA

Shared List of Tasks

Client Approval

Development Initiated

Core Solutions

At the heart of overcoming ecommerce project challenges lies a blend of advanced technology, user-centric design, proactive problem-solving, and transparent communication. By leveraging cutting-edge data migration tools, we ensure seamless and accurate data transfer. Our commitment to user-centric design transforms the user interface into an intuitive and engaging platform. We proactively address legacy issues, streamlining systems for optimal performance. Above all, we believe in building trust through transparency and reliability, keeping you informed every step of the way. Together, these solutions not only tackle the challenges at hand but also pave the way for future growth and success.


To tackle the challenge of complex data migration, we employ advanced data migration tools and strategies. These tools can automate the process, ensuring a smooth and error-free transfer of data. Additionally, the agency can implement rigorous testing protocols to verify the integrity of the data after migration. This approach minimizes the risk of data loss or corruption, ensuring that all data is accurately transferred to the new system.


In response to the challenge of UX/UI revamping, we leverage user-centric design principles. By conducting user research and usability testing, the agency can gain insights into the needs and preferences of the users. These insights can then inform the design process, resulting in a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. Furthermore, the agency can ensure that the new design is seamlessly integrated with the existing system, providing a consistent and engaging user experience.


To address legacy issues, we conducted a thorough audit of the existing code and infrastructure. This allows the agency to identify and remove unnecessary tools, streamline the codebase, and improve system performance. Additionally, the agency can document the system thoroughly, making it easier to manage and maintain in the future. This proactive approach to legacy issues can significantly reduce technical debt and pave the way for future enhancements.


Building client trust is crucial for the success of any project. To achieve this, we adopted transparent and communicative approach. Regular updates on the project’s progress, clear explanations of technical decisions, and prompt responses to client queries can all contribute to building trust. Additionally, delivering on promises – whether it’s meeting deadlines or staying within budget – demonstrates the agency’s reliability and commitment, further strengthening the client’s confidence in our team.

Client Testimonial