What is Software Development, and Types of Software?

Software Oct 9, 2024 12 mins read By Tarun

Have you ever thought about how your favorite application, video game, and website are made? How do these clicks and swipes work? Software Development is the reason behind everything. In this blog, let’s discuss what Software development is and what types of Software are being used today.  

Introduction to Software Development  

In simple words, Software development translates human needs and desires into a language that computers comprehend and implement.   

  • Planning: The scope, objectives, and requirements of the Software project are defined.  
  • Design: A blueprint of software architecture and interface is developed. 
  • Implementation: The actual code that brings life into the Software is written.  
  • Testing: The Software team checks every part to detect all bugs and errors, ensuring the application’s usability. 
  • Deployment: The Software is released to the end users. 
  • Maintenance: Continuous updating and improvement of the Software based on the requirements of the users and changing situations. 

The Software development process is not only coding, it is a combined effort of a team with diverse skill sets which could include project managers, designers, developers, quality assurance specialists and other team members. 

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 

Software industries and developers use the SDLC, a structured process, to design, develop, and maintain good quality software that meets user requirements. Different teams use various Software development life cycles, such as Waterfall, Agile, and DevOps. 

Software Development Life Cycle

Planning and Requirements Analysis: In the first phase the developers usually gather the required information for the Software development project and analyze them. This phase includes understanding the needs of clients, defining the scope, and planning the Software development process. 

Design: Based on the results from the first phase, the development team creates a design for the Software. This includes High-level architectural design for user experience and low-level component design for functional design. 

Implementation: During this phase of development, the programmer writes the code according to his designed specifications. 

Testing: After writing the code, the developed Software is tested to identify bugs and fix the issues.. It also helps in ensuring functionality and verifying that the product developed meets the requirements. 

Deployment: Once the testing team completes their work and deems the Software free of any known bugs, they transfer the final product into the production environment for intended users to use.

Maintenance and updates: During the maintenance phase, the team continuously checks, updates, and improves the deployed Software based on user feedback and changing requirements.

Understanding SDLC is important for Software development, as it provides a structured approach for developing high-quality Software that meets user expectations. 

Types of Software  

System Software  

System Software helps users interact with computer hardware by providing a platform for running application Software. It acts as the middle layer between the hardware and the user, managing resources and providing common services for other Software. 

Types of Software

Example of System Software 

Operating System: MS Windows, Mac OS, Linux etc. 

Device Drivers: These are the Software that allows communication between the operating system and hardware devices. For example, BIOS Driver, Display Drivers, Motherboard Drivers, Printer Drivers, ROM Drivers. 

Firmware: Software embedded in the hardware’s read-only memory. For example, BIOS and computer Peripherals. 

Utilities: Designed to analyze, optimize and maintain a computer system. For example, Disk defragmenters, system monitors, and antivirus Software.  

System Software is essential for the basic functioning of a computer device. No other application can run without the help of this type of Software. 

Application Software 

End-user programs designed to perform specific tasks for users. Most people use application software on a daily basis. These can be further classified into:   

Productivity Software: Word processors, spreadsheets, presentation Software (e.g., Microsoft Office, Google Workspace) 

Web Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge  

Multimedia Software: Video players, audio editors, image processing tools  

Communication Software: Email clients, instant messaging apps, video conferencing tools  

Business Software: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software  

Educational Software: E-learning platforms, interactive educational games  

Entertainment Software: Video games, streaming services. 

These types of software designers create solutions with the end-user in mind, focusing on functionality to address specific problems and meet particular needs.

Programming Software 

The developers use programming Software to create, debug, maintain, or support other programs and applications. Programming tools mainly support the development of the software, playing a crucial role in the process. These include: 

  • Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): Visual Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA 
  • Compilers: Tools that translate source code into executable machine code 
  • Debuggers: Software used to test and debug other programs 
  • Version Control Systems: Git, Subversion, Mercurial 

For developers, programming Software that takes care of writing, testing, and keeping a well-smoothed code is hence essential. 

Driver Software 

This Software allows the operating system to communicate with hardware devices. Each piece of hardware attached to your computer requires a specific driver.

These drivers translate the command given by the user to a language that is understandable by the hardware devices. It allows the OS to use the full capabilities of the hardware device without knowing the working of each device.  

Example of Driver Software: 

  • Graphic Driver 
  • Network Driver 
  • Sound Driver 
  • Printer drivers 

Keep these drivers up to date to maintain system stability and ensure proper hardware operation. 


This type of application works as an interface between operating systems and distributed applications. It acts as a bridge between different components of the Software enabling communication and data management. 

Type of application works

Middleware plays an important role in distributed application environments such as cloud computing and IoT (Internet of Things) by enabling them to communicate with other Software components. 

Examples of Middleware:  

Web Servers: Apache, nginx. 

Application Servers: Tomcat, JBoss  

Message-Oriented Middleware: RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka  

Database Middleware: Object-relational mapping (ORM) tools 

Middleware helps the modern Software architecture and enterprise environment by integrating various systems and applications. 

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Prebuilt vs. Custom-Made Software 

When you are choosing Software for business use or for your personal needs, there are two types of options actually, which are: either the prebuilt or custom-made Software. The two have their own pros and cons; therefore, one has to choose the right Software according to their needs, budget, and time. 

Prebuilt Software  

This software serves a wide range of audiences and is also known as commercial off-the-shelf (cots) software. The company that develops it sells it to the public or to a specific industry. 

Advantages of Prebuilt Software: 

Cost-Effective: Purchasing custom-built software is more costly than these solutions, as many users share the development cost. 

Immediate Availability: It can be purchased anytime as it has already been developed. 

Proven Reliability: Many users test this software on a regular basis, resulting in it being more stable and reliable.

Regular Updates: This Software generally receives regular updates and improvements from the vendors. 

Community Support: Due to the number of people using it you can get support from its large community. 

Disadvantages of Prebuilt Software: 

Limited Customization: Every company or person has its own needs, and the features provided by the prebuilt Software may not meet your specific needs. 

Unnecessary Features: Since it is designed for a wider range of audiences, it may have unnecessary features that could complicate things for you.

Integration Challenges: This may not integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. 

Dependency on Vendor: You rely on the vendor for updates and support. 

Examples of prebuilt Software are Microsoft Office, Salesforce for CRM, and Adobe Creative Cloud for design work. 

Custom-Made Software 

When a Software is designed specifically for a user or company according to their need, this type of Software is called custom-made Software solution also known as bespoke Software development. These provide specific functionalities that prebuilt software cannot provide.

Advantages of Custom-Made Software: 

Tailored Functionality: Designed to meet your exact needs. 

Scalability: Add new functionalities as per the requirement. 

Competitive Advantage: Since it is tailored to your specific needs, you can add capabilities that your competitors do not offer. 

Better Integration: It can be designed in such a way that it can be integrated with your existing system. 

Full Control: You own the Software, and you can modify it as needed. 

Disadvantages of Custom-Made Software: 

Higher Initial Cost: The cost of developing new software is much higher than that of the prebuilt one.  

Longer Development Time: Developing a new solution takes time. 

Ongoing Maintenance: Requires continuous maintenance and updates. 

Potential for Bugs: You may have more initial bugs than well-established prebuilt Software. 

Examples of custom software include proprietary trading platforms for financial institutions as well as specialized content management systems for unique industries. Additionally, companies design bespoke CRM systems to accommodate their specific sales processes.”

While selecting between prebuilt and custom-made Software you must consider factors such as cost, time and your needs. Now-a-days many organizations are going for a hybrid approach where they use prebuilt Software which has some functionality they require and develop custom Software for their unique needs. 


Software development plays an important role in the shaping of our digital world. From the operating system that makes your computer system and smartphone work to the applications that you use every day, Software covers every aspect of your life. 

Knowing the different types of Software can be helpful in choosing the right tools or solutions- namely among system, application, programming, driver, or middleware Software. 

While you may not always have a straightforward path, assessing your requirements, evaluating your resources, and clarifying your long-term goals will prepare you to select the most suitable option for your needs.

Whether you are a businessman trying to streamline your operations or developing; a developer who is on the starting to discover the world of Software creation; or just anyone interested in this digital world, we are hoping this guide provided you with insight into the world of Software development and all the options available through our Software development services. 

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