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What is Agile Software development, and how it is done?

  • Jul 2, 2024
  • By Rajeev Nar
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Have you ever wondered how top tech companies like Google and Spotify keep delivering amazing new features so quickly? The secret is Agile software development. This revolutionary approach transforms how software is built, fostering flexibility, collaboration, and rapid delivery. 

So, what exactly is Agile software development, and how can you implement it in your projects? Let’s dive in and explore this game-changing methodology!

What is Agile software development?

Ever heard about Agile software development and wondered what it’s all about? In simple terms, Agile Development is a way of developing software that’s all about being flexible and collaborative. Instead of sticking to a rigid plan, Agile Development teams work in short, iterative cycles, continuously refining and improving their work based on feedback and changing requirements. 

Agile software development methodologies focus on teamwork and self-organisation, where cross-functional teams work together to solve problems and deliver high-quality software quickly. The goal is to align development with what customers really need and what the business aims to achieve. 

At the heart of Agile Development is the Agile Manifesto, created by fourteen industry experts who distilled their experiences into guiding principles. These principles emphasise things like frequent inspection and adaptation, teamwork, and accountability. Agile framework methods also incorporate best practices in engineering to ensure that software is delivered rapidly without compromising on quality.

Real-Life Example: Agile in the UK

A great example of Agile framework in action in the UK is the Government Digital Service (GDS). The GDS was set up to improve digital services across the UK government, making them more efficient and user-friendly. Using Agile methodologies, the GDS has successfully revamped many public services. 

Take the GOV.UK website, for instance. It’s the central online hub for all government services. By adopting an Agile approach/, the team behind GOV.UK worked in short sprints, gathering user feedback constantly and making improvements along the way. This iterative process meant they could quickly adapt to new needs and changes, resulting in a more responsive and reliable service for the public.

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Agile Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Agile Yesterday: 

Agile software development began in 2001 with the Agile Manifesto, created by seventeen thought leaders who sought to improve the rigid, traditional project management methodologies. Early adopters, like IBM and Motorola, saw significant improvements in efficiency and product quality through iterative development, collaboration, and flexibility. 

Agile Today: 

Agile has become the gold standard in software development and project management. According to the 14th Annual State of Agile Report, 95% of organisations use Agile methods, experiencing increased productivity, improved product quality, and higher customer satisfaction. Agile’s influence extends beyond software, impacting marketing, HR, and hardware development with its principles of cross-functional teams, continuous feedback, and iterative progress. 

Agile Tomorrow: 

The future of Agile is bright, with integration into AI, machine learning, and DevOps poised to enhance productivity and innovation. Agile at scale is becoming more common, applying principles across entire enterprises. As Agile practices continue to evolve for remote work and non-traditional fields like education and healthcare, its versatility and adaptability will drive future advancements. 

In summary, Agile development team has transformed from a revolutionary idea to a mainstream methodology, reshaping project management, custom software development, and product development. Its journey underscores its effectiveness, and its future promises continued innovation and excellence.

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Why Choose Agile?

Choosing Agile can revolutionise the way you develop software and manage projects. Here’s why Agile stands out, supported by facts and research: 

Speed and Flexibility: Agile methodologies enable teams to work in short, iterative cycles called sprints. According to a report by McKinsey, Agile teams are 30% more productive and 50% faster to market than traditional teams. This increased efficiency is due to their ability to quickly adapt to changes and continuously improve the product. 

Improved Collaboration: Agile emphasizes teamwork and communication. Research from the Project Management Institute (PMI) shows that 77% of high-performing projects use Agile methodologies. Agile’s focus on cross-functional collaboration breaks down silos and ensures everyone is aligned. 

Higher Quality: Continuous testing and integration are key components of Agile. The State of Agile Report by VersionOne found that 86% of Agile users report improved project quality. Frequent testing and early identification of issues help reduce bugs and enhance software reliability. 

Customer Satisfaction: Agile keeps the customer at the center of the development process. A study by PwC found that Agile projects are 28% more successful than traditional projects. This is because Agile continuously incorporates user feedback and evolves based on real needs, leading to higher customer satisfaction. 

Predictability and Control: Despite its flexible nature, Agile provides a structured framework that enhances predictability. The Scrum Alliance reports that 85% of Agile users experience improved project control and predictability through clear goals, regular reviews, and retrospectives. 

Risk Management: Agile’s iterative approach means potential risks are identified and addressed early. According to the Harvard Business Review, Agile reduces project risk by 50%. By delivering small, incremental updates, Agile ensures issues are managed promptly. 

Employee Engagement: Agile empowers teams, promoting self-organisation and accountability. Gallup’s research shows that Agile teams have 22% higher employee engagement. This increased engagement leads to higher productivity and creativity, driving better project outcomes.

Core Values of Agile Software Development

In Agile software development, these core values guide how teams work: 

  • People over Processes: Prioritising individuals and interactions within teams over rigid processes and tools. 
  • Software over Documentation: Emphasising working software as the primary measure of progress, rather than extensive documentation. 
  • Customer Collaboration: Fostering continuous collaboration with customers throughout the project, ensuring their needs are met effectively. 
  • Adaptability: Embracing change and flexibility in requirements and plans, responding swiftly to new insights and challenges.

These values underscore Agile’s focus on delivering value quickly, collaborating closely with customers, and maintaining flexibility to optimise outcomes.

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The 12 Principles of Agile

These principles guide Agile software development: 

  • Customer Satisfaction: Ensure customer satisfaction through the early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 
  • Embrace Change: Be open to changing requirements, even late in the development process. 
  • Frequent Delivery: Deliver working software frequently, with a preference for shorter timescales. 
  • Collaboration: Promote close collaboration between business stakeholders and developers. 
  • Empowered Individuals: Structure projects around motivated individuals and provide the necessary environment and support. 
  • Face-to-Face Communication: Prioritise face-to-face communication whenever possible for efficiency. 
  • Working Software as Progress: Use working software as the primary measure of progress. 
  • Sustainable Development: Maintain a constant pace indefinitely, fostering sustainable development. 
  • Excellence and Good Design: Pay attention to technical excellence and good design practices. 
  • Simplicity: Recognise simplicity as crucial, maximising productivity by minimising unnecessary work. 
  • Self-Organising Teams: Encourage self-organising teams to design and build the best systems. 
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly reflect on how to enhance effectiveness and adjust accordingly 

How Does the Agile Software Development Cycle Work?

The Agile software development cycle is a flexible, iterative process that builds software incrementally. Here’s a breakdown of the key steps involved each supported with clear instructions:

1. Requirements Gathering:

  • Instruction: Engage with customers to gather and prioritise their requirements. 
  • Purpose: Understand what the customer needs from the software to ensure the final product aligns with their expectations. 

2. Planning

  • Instruction: Develop a plan outlining the features to be delivered in each iteration.
  • Purpose: Create a roadmap for the project, detailing what will be achieved in each sprint or iteration to keep the team focused and organised. 

3. Development

  • Instruction: Build the software using frequent, rapid iterations. 
  • Purpose: Develop the software in small, manageable pieces, allowing for quick adjustments based on feedback and changes in requirements. 

4. Testing

  • Instruction: Conduct thorough testing to ensure the software meets customer requirements and maintains high quality.
  • Purpose: Identify and fix any issues early, ensuring the software is reliable and functions as expected. 

5. Deployment

  • Instruction: Deploy the software and make it available for use.
  • Purpose: Release the software to customers so they can start using it and providing feedback. 

6. Maintenance:

  • Instruction: Continuously maintain and update the software to meet evolving customer needs.
  • Purpose: Ensure the software remains functional, up-to-date, and aligned with customer expectations over time.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Agile


  1. Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile processes lets teams quickly respond to changes in requirements, technology, or market conditions, ensuring the final product meets current customer needs. 
  2. Customer Satisfaction: Regular customer collaboration and frequent delivery of working software ensure the final product aligns with customer expectations, leading to higher satisfaction. 
  3. Improved Quality: Frequent testing and iteration help catch and fix issues early, resulting in higher-quality software. 
  4. Better Risk Management: By delivering software in small, incremental releases, potential risks are identified and addressed early, reducing the likelihood of significant issues later. 
  5. Enhanced Team Collaboration: Agile promotes teamwork and communication within cross-functional teams, leading to a more cohesive and productive work environment. 
  6. Higher Productivity: Agile teams often experience increased productivity due to shorter development cycles and a focus on delivering small, functional pieces of software. 


  1. Scope Creep: The flexibility of Agile can sometimes lead to scope creep, where the project expands beyond its original goals due to continuous changes and additions.
  2. Resource Intensity: Agile requires significant involvement from all stakeholders, including customers, developers, and project managers, which can be resource intensive. 
  3. Requires Experienced Teams: Agile methods rely on self-organising, cross-functional teams that need a high level of skill, experience, and discipline to function effectively. 
  4. Less Predictability: Due to its iterative nature, Agile can sometimes be less predictable in terms of timeframes and costs compared to traditional project management methodologies. 

How Does Agile Save You Money?

  1. Early Problem Detection and Resolution: Agile’s iterative development and continuous testing help catch and fix issues early, which reduces the cost of addressing defects that would be more expensive to fix later. 
  1. Minimised Waste: Agile Development Methods focuses on delivering only what is needed, reducing time and resources spent on unnecessary features or documentation. This emphasis on simplicity and efficiency helps minimise waste and lower costs. 
  1. Increased Productivity: Agile’s time-bound sprints and regular feedback loops keep teams focused and productive. This increased productivity can reduce the time required to complete a project, lowering overall costs. 
  1. Improved Project Control: Agile’s frequent reviews and adaptability allow for better project control and adjustments, leading to more efficient resource allocation and avoiding costly overruns. 
  1. Higher Quality and Customer Satisfaction: By continuously involving customers and delivering high-quality software that meets their needs, Agile reduces the risk of expensive post-release fixes and enhances customer satisfaction, leading to repeat business and positive referrals. 

In summary, Agile Projects offers a flexible and customer-focused approach to software development that can save money through early problem detection, minimised waste, increased productivity, improved project control, higher quality outcomes, and efficient RVS Media utilisation.


In conclusion, Agile software development has transformed how we build software, offering flexibility, collaboration, and rapid delivery. By iterating quickly and adapting to changes, Agile ensures high-quality, user-focused products. From the Agile Manifesto to widespread industry use, Agile’s core principles drive effective, user-friendly solutions. 

Choosing Agile brings speed, better collaboration, higher quality, and increased customer satisfaction. Its adaptable framework provides predictability, risk management, and employee engagement, making it essential for modern development and project management. 

Transform your business with Agile. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and explore how Agile can benefit your projects.