10 Top-Notch Ecommerce Email Marketing Strategies To Boost Your Online Sales
- Jun 2, 2022
- By Shubham Verma

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes, 44 seconds
Whether you have just stepped into the eCommerce world or you already have a well-established business. Having a thorough knowledge of eCommerce strategies is necessary for you. That’s why, in this article, we have jotted down some of the proven eCommerce strategies to help you out in boosting your sales. So, without delaying anymore, let’s get started.
What Do You Mean By eCommerce Email Marketing?
Ecommerce email marketing is the process of using various promotional tactics to bring more traffic to your digital store. Also, it is a way of converting that traffic into customers and then retaining those customers after they make their purchase.
A good marketing strategy can help you build awareness of your brand, and increase your sales as well as customer loyalty. Also, you can use eCommerce marketing to promote your online store or to increase your sales for some specific products. Amazon, Walmart, IKEA, and Starbucks are already the pioneers of eCommerce, now it’s your turn…
10 Proven Ecommerce Email Marketing Strategies To Grow Your Online Store Sales

With this latest craze for online shopping, it is estimated that, by the end of 2040, about 95% of the purchases will be made through online mode only. Isn’t it a good statistic to pay more attention to Ecommerce marketing strategies? It is!
So, without further ado, let’s just get started with our proven and top-notch tips to grow the sales of your online store. Here they are:
1. Make Use of Different Communication Channels
In this highly competitive world, staying in one place is not enough. You cannot just reach your customers through your website. If you want to achieve success then you need to have a presence on all the social media channels. Having your presence on different channels increases your chances of being easily visible and discovered by new people.
Here’s how you can do so:
- Make a blog where you can post various articles about your services, products and industry as well. Blogs are considered the best for SEO and they make your business easily visible on the different search engines.
- Pick a few eCommerce platforms for small business. Then start posting the content on those social media channels. To succeed in the online world, you need to ace social media marketing. Make sure to keep your content as natural as you can. Also, try to mix the different posts that are engaging as well as entertaining.
- In addition to this, you can also start your email list. With the help of that email list, you can send emails and newsletters regularly to your prospects. Do you know, that about 61% of customers want to get contacted by brands via emails?
This will help you in making the customers aware of your company’s promotions and other news. This is one of the best ways to stay in the centre of your customer’s mind.
2. Integrate Instagram
There are around 3.4 billion users of social media all around the world. And you know what? It is expected that this number can increase up to 4.41 billion by 2025. These stats are enough to make you believe how important it is to have your presence on Instagram. It is the fastest growing social media application that connects different brands, influencers and consumers.
If you take attractive photos, make use of correct hashtags, and post content at the ideal time, then congratulations! You are on your way to building your customer base on Instagram. Moreover, the key to mastering your presence on social media channels is by engaging with followers. So, make sure to do so.
But how can you engage with your customers on Instagram? You can run various contests or go behind the scenes to showcase how your products are developed. Not only this, but you can also pay to play on Instagram.
In the case of eCommerce marketing, you can add or upload products to your Instagram posts. This way, the customers can directly purchase their products. This will help you in increasing your sales online.
3. Optimise Your Website For SEO
SEO is the king of the Internet. You cannot just avoid it. Without it, your website is nothing. SEO comprises many things and optimising is a big task. But we have noted down certain things that will help you out if you are just beginning your SEO journey.
- First things first, put your feet in the shoes of your user. Try to understand their mind i.e., how your focus audience talks about your products and what they know.
- Pay full attention to the on-page content of your website. Because this is the content that’s going to build the image of your brand. It will make the customers informed about what your brand is all about and what you will offer them.
On-page content contains the product descriptions and titles, pictures, blogs and other content as well.
You have to make sure to use such language that your customers use to search for related products.
- In addition to this, meta tags are also significant. Title tags which are just like the headlines for a search engine, assist the search engines in figuring out what their page is all about.
That’s why every page of your website must have a title tag. Moreover, meta descriptions are short summaries of each page. When your website shows up on the SERPs, the users will first notice your meta description and title tag.
4. Fix The Right Prices
Now, as you have built some trust in your customers, people would love to visit your online store. Now is the time to set the right prices so that people can purchase from your store.
Check the cost of the same products that other stores are charging. You can also make your cost your USP.
However, if your wholesaler is charging high prices, then you can change your wholesaler. You might have to struggle a bit for finding a new wholesaler but it will be worth it in the long term.
Other than this, you can also lower your shipping prices and can even offer free shipping on a particular amount spent.
5. Create Urgency
Online shopping behaviour is always changing and evolving. These days, the consumers expect to have what they want when they want it. The latest technologies have made it very easy for people to purchase things easily, from the comfort of their bed.
Okay, tell me, have you ever started browsing the shopping applications and added items to the cart just because you were bored? We are pretty sure you have done that too.
Creating FOMO or a sense of urgency is a very crucial technique to turn your visitors into normal customers. By letting the customers believe that the product is going to be out of stock soon, you can convince them to buy faster and quicker.
Moreover, displaying limited products can accelerate the purchasing speed of your customers as they’ll feel the risk of missing out. Also, if you have discounted products that are going to be out of stock, then this will create a sense of scarcity. People will end up buying more because they’ll feel that they will have to spend more in future.
One other way to create this sense of urgency is by running sales or other offers and incentives. This can be in the form of a free shipping or discount offer. So, all in all, creating urgency is a very effective way to increase your sales.
6. Streamline The Customer Experience
A study conducted by Google suggested that 57% of customers will leave your website if they have to wait for more than 3 seconds to load a page. That’s why it is very significant to pay heed to the customer experience. Also, you need to understand ” How to make a website mobile friendly“?
Delivering the top-notch customer experience matters the most! You see, it’s a win-win, customers will be able to find things easily and you’ll be able to sell more and more. In case, if your analytics are showing that a large number of people are visiting your website but leaving without making any purchase. That means the reason behind that is poor customer experience.
Watch out for family, friends and colleagues of your focus audience throughout the process of searching, finding and buying the products from your online store. Find out the areas where they struggle in finding the products. The most common areas to fix the customer experience are the search feature of your website, checkout, and product navigation.
7. Offer 24×7 Chat Support On Your Website
Since the pandemic began, more and more customers have started relying on the chat feature to communicate with businesses. So, if you don’t have a chat feature on your website then you are so much behind. Make sure to add this feature and then control it all through the day.
Alright, it’s quite obvious that you can’t stick to your computer 24×7. So, for that reason, automate the chat services. Also, other than adding an autoresponder, you can also add VAT or Virtual Agent Technology. This is a plug-in that helps you by immediately answering the queries of your customers.
8. Run Promotions
Promotions work like wonders! Nothing can make a customer purchase instantly like a free bonus or instant savings. Yes, promotions act as a catalyst, they increase the speed of your sales. Once a prospect visits your website, the ideal way to allure them to buy the product is by offering them supreme quality at the lowest price. And the perfect way to make them buy instantly is by making that specific product available to them for a limited period.
Decide what kind of promotion you would like to do for your products. We have listed some of them down, you can choose from them.
- Buy 1, Get 1 Free
Buy 1, get 1 free is one of the best and most successful promotion strategies. It attracts customers and accelerates your sales. You can add this promotion strategy for the items that people buy one after another. This strategy pulls double duty, the customers get each product at half price, so they don’t need to buy another one.
Moreover, this promotion also works well when you have to clear out your stock.
- Free shipping
A study suggests that more than 70% of the customers like online shopping only because of the free shipping.
Free shipping is the best thing that you can give your customers. Most of the time, people leave things in their cart because of the heavy shipping charges. So, providing free shipping to your customers will bring the prospects closer to your website.
In the same way, you can also offer free shipping to the customers if they buy more than a specific quantity.
- Gift
Adding a gift with every purchase can be a good way to connect your customers and your brand. It can attract customers to buy more products. When people generally start their business, they offer gifts to their customers to purchase from their store.
- Sale Price
What happens when you see a 20% off on some store. You decide to purchase items, right? That’s how it works! It makes the people make purchases. All it takes is a 20% or 30% off or off on products to make the customers buy your products right away.
You can show them the actual price and sale price so that they can feel the difference in the price. Moreover, the key to a good promotion is to look at it through the eyes of your visitor. You can promote things well if you keep your feet in their shoes. Ask different questions to yourself as a visitor and then try to answer those questions. After that, make promotions by using those answers only.
9. Provide Multiple Payment Options
Make sure to add as many payment options as you can. Because sometimes, people do not buy from a particular store because they don’t accept the payment options that they have. That’s why try to add as many payment options as possible. You can add Google Pay, UPI, Amazon Pay, Paytm, Credit Cards, Debit Cards and all the other options of payment.
Make sure that you don’t disappoint your customers. When they’ll be offered a choice, they’ll feel good about your business and end up buying more. The point is to make it easy for the customers to purchase from your website. This way, you’ll be able to increase your sales easily.
10. Make Your Website Safe and Secure
Okay, answer a question! Would you trust or visit a website that feels suspicious? No! That’s why you need to ensure that your customers stay safe and secure while browsing your website. Make sure that you offer them a fully safe and secured environment.
It is quite obvious that no one would want to enter a website that’s not easy to trust. That is why it is very important to secure your site if you wish to boost your sales.
Cybercrimes are increasing day by day and cyber security is one of the prime concerns of people these days. So, you need to be well aware of this to make your customers feel safe.
One such way in which you can tell your customers that your website is trustworthy is by showing them the security badges that you use. But make sure that you are not deceiving your customers while doing so. If you are doing so, by any chance, then you are just inviting legal proceedings.
Here comes the end of this article. We have tried to put our best to make you well aware of all the strategies to boost your sales. eCommerce is significant if you wish to succeed in the online world. Online selling can assist you to discover markets and reaching new customers. It might seem like a tough task, but if you do it religiously then you can generate a lot of sales quickly.