Agile vs. Waterfall: Choosing the Right Software Development Methodology for Your Business 

Software Oct 14, 2024 12 mins read By Tarun

Whenever a team starts a new project, they must first decide on selecting the correct development methodology. The success of the project closely depends on this decision. Of all the different methodologies present today, Agile and Waterfall are the most popular ones. An individual can find it challenging to choose between the two, as each one is suitable for different kinds of projects and comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s discuss both of them and see how they will help your projects. 

Introduction to Software Development Methodologies  

These are the structural approaches that help the development team design, create, and maintain any software system. They work as a framework for different teams, such as managing teams, to deliver a high-quality software product for any bespoke software development project.  

Understanding the Waterfall Methodology  

It is a linear method that sequentially approaches the project in stages by following a predetermined path. To start a new stage, you must finish the previous stage first.

Waterfall Methodology  

Key Phases of the Waterfall Model:  

Requirements Gathering: In this stage, the team collects and documents all the required data related to the project before moving forward.  

Design: After gathering data, the requirements become clearer. Based on this, the team creates a detailed system design.

Implementation: The developers will write the code according to the finalized design.

Testing: The development team codes the product and then performs various tests to identify and fix bugs.

Deployment: Releasing the final product after removing all bugs.  

Maintenance: The team provides ongoing support and updates as needed.  

The waterfall model makes it easier to track and manage the progress and expectations of the project as you will have clear milestones and deliverables of the project from the very beginning. 

What is Agile Methodology 

Agile focuses on continuous iterations and incrementation of the project regarding the development of software. Agile allows you to make changes as the requirements evolve during the development process, contrasting the waterfall model, where changes are difficult to incorporate. Its main aim is to provide collaboration, and rapid delivery of the software.  

Agile Methodology 

Key Principles of Agile:  

Iterative Development: Divide projects into smaller parts for easy management, known as sprints. 

Customer Collaboration: Customers and stakeholders interact during the project development to ensure the product aligns with business needs. 

Responding to Change: It gives the development team the ability to quickly respond to any change at any time during the development process.  

Working Software: Delivers functional software at the sprint end.  

Teams Collaboration: All the teams collaborate closely with each other to make any decision. 

Continuous Improvement: Regular discussions with teams allow them to refine the development process in order to increase business efficiency

There are different flavors of Agile methodologies, such as Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming. Each offers specific practices and tools for effectively implementing Agile principles. 

Key Differences Between Agile and Waterfall  

Understanding the fundamental differences between Agile and Waterfall is important for making the right decision on which one to adapt. Here are the primary ones: 

 Waterfall Agile 
Project Structure Linear and sequential Iterative and incremental 
Flexibility No change after the phase is completed. Changes can be made anytime throughout the project. 
Requirement All requirements must be gathered before the start of the project. Only high-level requirements are required at the start, the rest can be refined throughout the development process. 
Customer Involvement Limited. Continuous involvement. 
Deliverables Complete the product at the end of the project. Functional product at the end of each sprint. 
Testing Done only when the Implementation stage is completed. It is Done at each iteration. 
Team Structure Hierarchical, specialized roles. Cross-functional, self-organizing teams. 
Documentation At the end of each stage, a comprehensive Documentation is produced. Minimum documentation is required to deliver working software. 
Risk Management All the risks are identified and mitigated at the start of each project. Risks are identified and mitigated when they are discovered. 
Project Size Large and complex. Small and medium projects. 

Pros and cons of Waterfall 


Clear Structure: The sequential nature of this model provides a clear roadmap for the project. 

Detailed Documentation: Each phase ends with comprehensive documentation, ensuring knowledge transfer and maintaining the software. 

Predictable timeline: At the start of the project, defining all the work makes estimating the duration of the project easier. 

Easier Resource Allocation: The predetermined roles and responsibilities allow for efficiently allocating resources.

Minimal Client Involvement: The project team engages the client only at the beginning and end of the project or whenever their input is necessary.

Suitable for fixed-price Contracts: All the requirements and timelines are determining at the start of each project which is suitable for fixed-price project. 


Inflexibility: Once you complete a phase, you cannot add any changes. 

Late Delivery of Working Software: The project team does not deliver any working software until the end of the project.  

Risk of Misaligned Expectations: Showing the product only when it is near completion always has a risk of not being in accordance with expectations. 

Testing Challenges: Costly to fix issues identified later than the expected stage.  

Limited Customer Feedback: As the client involvement is minimal you get less chances to show the product to the customer to check if it meets his expectations.  

Not Ideal for Complex Projects: If the project requirements are not clear or changes with time this approach is not suitable for that project. 

Pros and Cons of Agile 

Pros of Agile:  

Flexibility: Easily adapt to changes in requirements and priorities. 

Faster Time to Market: After each sprint, deliver a working project. Which enables us to adapt quickly to market changes. 

Continuous Improvement: The iterative nature allows for making ongoing refinements. 

Enhanced collaboration: All the teams work together with open communication. 

Customer satisfaction: The customer’s continuous involvement makes it easier to meet expectations by providing continuous feedback on the customer experience.  

Early Risk Detection: In small sprints, quickly identify and test issues and risks due to their size.

Cons of Agile: 

Less Predictability: The requirements of the projects keep changing which makes it difficult to estimate the timeline and the costs. 

Resource Intensive: Team members and stakeholders must invest more time and energy because the team has not clearly defined the roles and responsibilities for all individuals.

Potential for Scope creep: The uncontrollable growth of the project scope leads to the continuous addition of features. 

Documentation challenges: Limited documentation, which creates issues when transferring knowledge. 

Requires Experience Team: Needs skilled team members to ensure the project’s success.

Not for large projects: This methodology cannot work with large projects as it requires teams to collaborate.  

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Methodology 

Selecting the right methodology for your project involves carefully evaluating several key factors: 

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Methodology 
Factors Waterfall Agile 
Project Size and Complexity Large and Complex projects where requirements are straightforward. Small projects where requirements keep changing. 
Project Timeline Longer projects where the milestones are fixed are more suitable. Smaller projects with tight deadlines can benefit from this approach. 
Budget Constraints This approach fits well when the budget is fixed. It requires a flexible budget as we keep adding features. 
Client Involvement Minimal involvement from clients. Frequent feedback from clients. 
Team Experience and Skills New team where collaboration is less common. Experienced and skilled team members are required. 
Requirement Clarity The requirements are well-defined and clear from the start. When the requirements are not clear or will change with time. 
Industry Regulations Requires detailed documentation for highly regulated industries. Industries with rapid changes. 
Risk Tolerance Low-risk tolerance High-Risk tolerance 
Stakeholder Expectations For those who require detailed plans and reports. This is for those who want frequent updates and flexibility. 
Product Type Product where the features are fixed. Products where the features keep evolving 

Best Practices for Implementing Your Chosen Methodology  

Regardless of which method you choose whether it is Agile or waterfall. Here are some best practices for both approaches that will help you ensure a successful implementation: 

For Waterfall:   

Thorough Requirements Gathering: Make sure to invest more time in gathering requirements, which will help you develop a better plan. 

Clear Documentation: The documentation should explain everything in detail for easy knowledge transfer.  

Regular Status Updates: Keep stakeholders informed about the progress at regular intervals..  

Risk Management: Identify potential risks early. 

Quality Assurance: Carefully conduct the testing.  

For Agile:  

Embrace Change: The team should be ready to adapt to the changing requirements. 

Focus on Customer Value: First, develop the features that provide more value to the customers.  

Continuous Integration: Regularly integrate and test code changes.  

Team Empowerment: Let the team take charge of most decisions and problem-solving.  

Regular Retrospectives: Regular meetings and proper communication between the teams can improve the process. 

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Choosing the right software development methodology between Waterfall and Agile is not easy. There is no one-size-fits-all decision for all custom software development projects. The right approach for any project depends on various factors. 

Always keep in mind that the goal is not to stick to a single methodology, but to find a solution that allows your team to work efficiently and deliver high-quality software that meets the client’s expectations. 

Successful software development service relies on more than just one methodology. It requires skilled team members, effective leadership, clear communication, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Remember that adopting a new development approach is itself a journey of continuous improvement.  

The above information will help you make an informed decision to deliver high-quality software that meets the needs of the client and exceeds his expectations. Whether you choose an Agile or Waterfall approach, stay focused on goals and empower your team to stay adaptable in face of change. 

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