How To Build A Powerful Product Page?
What if we say that it is easy to build an appealing eCommerce product page without any hassle? You might doubt that! But here we are presenting a full free guide on the eCommerce product page design.
- February 2, 2023
- by Rajeev Nar

What Is a Product Page?
In e-commerce, a product page describes the specifications, manufacturer, uses, and much more for a specific product. It’s a listing on an e-commerce platform that describes a product fully. This helps consumers to learn more about a product and how it can help them after they order it.
It is important to have an appealing product page if you want to allure your customer. This is exactly why eCommerce business owners are going out of the way to create an assuring product page.
However many e-commerce solutions are out there to help you out if you find the process of building an eCommerce page overwhelming.
Why is it Important to Have a Decent Product Page on the eCommerce Store?
If you’re wondering about the importance of product pages on eCommerce stores then here we have hunkered down all the reasons that will surely give you an idea why you must have a decent product page.
1. It is a Customer Magnet:- A product page is a place from where you get more sales. That’s why it is important to build an extraordinary product page. If you build a persuasive product page, you will get more buyers. If something is not attractive, consider it as an immediate loss of sale.
2. It Helps in Building your Brand:- Product page add value to your brand. It is the window to the brand value of your e-commerce business. The brand is promoted by the product description. The manner that you show the goods – how the quality image of your shop can be improved by helping clients overcome what challenges, how it is better on the market, etc. A special, rich in content and an equilibrated product page will give the rivals the upper hand.
3. It helps in Optimising your Website:- In most cases, consumers are not really sure which online shop offers the right product they want to purchase. In lieu of going to a specific location, they use search engines to locate their favourite items. There is no better way to customise the website to the full than the product page. For the optimisation of a website, the contents of your pages must contain important keywords or key phrases.
What Should Be Your Goal While Designing a Product Page?
A product page’s primary aim is to assist a customer in determining whether or not to purchase a product. As this page is what allows the consumer to make a decision, it must provide a clear call-to-action and comprehensive details.
Apart from the software and apps, most e-commerce platforms now have an immersive prototype of the product to make the decision-making process simpler for prospective customers.
According to the survey conducted by Conversio which is a marketing automation platform for eCommerce business, it has been stated that just 8% of all traffic to product sites ends in a transaction which is comparatively very less.
The reason for the same is a poor product page. Your eCommerce store should have a higher PCR aka product conversion rate. It should be that much engaging which compels about half of the people who visit their website to make a purchase.
It is actually possible if you have the right goal in your mind which is to improve product conversion rate.
And guess what! This guide will assist you in improving your communication, building confidence, and lowering the friction associated with clicking “Add to Cart.”
1. How to Optimise Your Product Page Design?
To optimise your product page you need to know first how people look at the product page. It has been proven according to the report released by the Nielsen Norman Group that most people scanned the website in an F-shaped pattern.
Basically, the left part of your website is the money-making portion and then they go to the right. All web design, including the product page design, is built on this reading pattern.
Here in this section, we will see how to design a high converting product page without any difficulty.
1. Product Details:- First thing first, you need to make your product page incredible. An e-commerce website describing the product to consumers is a product page. This is where all the details about the product, the customer wishes to purchase is given. This is therefore the most critical part of the online shop. Every product page contains product information, product image and add to cart button. Apart from this, you need to keep some points in your mind.
- Always keep the image on the left side and text on the right side.
- F section always works, so keep the thing that sells on the left side as people are more likely to observe it first.
- Try to fit the text away on the product page so it doesn’t overflow and go over the image’s height.

2. Add prominent Call to Action:- A compelling CTA helps to turn visitors into customers. A CTA can be an “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now” button. It must be easy to recognise and compel visitors to take action. Your CTA should stand out from your competitors and be amasing enough to grab customer attention. Also, if you have stores in different countries then go with words that give local flavour.

3. Additional Details:- This part is not necessary but most companies use accordions and tabs to keep the configuration of the product page to a minimum. It makes the design look clean and the customer will be more likely to buy the product.
4. Related Products:- Keeping related products is another good approach to drive more sales. So try to keep complemented centre design which means making it easy for consumers to pick products that accompany the page’s primary product.

5. Social Proof:- There is no denial in the fact that people look for assurance which only social proofs can provide it. So if your product description page contains reviews and rating from another customer, it will add customer’s trust in your brand and product.

6. Sticky Components:- Basically, the features you seem to adopt when you scroll down a page are sticky or fixed eCommerce elements. They are a well-established solution to eCommerce improvements. Sticky components on a product page are essential as it builds trust or makes it simple for customers to find a solution to a problem. Attaching the help button or including FAQs will solve the problem.
7. Compare Prices:- By comparing prices on your product page, you are drawing the attention of your customers. It is a great way to improve the sales percentage. Display figures of discount percentage on your product page. Another way is to show the real price and then reduce the price to allure customers.
8. Create Urgency:- Another eCommerce best practice is to create urgency to sell more products in a short time frame. The fear of missing out works everywhere, if you will add the out of stock and limited quantity on your product it will enhance the chance of a sale. Don’t provide extra time for your consumers to think about purchasing. Set up an instantaneous sense of urgency.
9. Payments & Monetisation:- Boost your monetisation opportunities with flexible payments, deliver membership models and associate your brand with an important cause that is of interest to your consumers.
How to Reduce Complexity with an Explicit Navigation?
Remember that navigation is an important key factor when you want to convince your visitor into buying something. If you will keep it complex, your customer will leave your site frustrated. And we know that you don’t want that. So better make navigation that helps consumers to easily locate what they’re looking for. Now you must be wondering how you can do that. Well, here we will clear all the air about the same.
1. Use an Appealing Search Bar:- A search bar in your navigation can help purchasers easily locate what they’re searching for. Try to keep it clean, catchy and on point to grab customer’s attention. Also, mention your best sellers product in the search bar.
2. Optimise View Cart Button:- If you need to bring the highest conversion, you have to have an appealing cart button. Customers keep an eye on their shopping carts at all times.
You don’t want prospective consumers to leave your product page to search for their shopping cart. Instead, make the cart view overlay the product page interface by not directing customers away from the product.
How to Maximise Sales with Compelling Visuals?
No doubt visuals bring more traffic. Here we will learn how to draw users’ attention using compelling visuals.
1. Boost Engagement by Adjusting Image Size:- For some users bigger image works fine but for other smaller images are champions. So, there is no clear cut funda here, that is what’s going to work for you. You have to run some hits and trial by doing modifications to your image size. Always bear in mind, all you need is engagement. So by all means, experiment with growing interaction and time spent on the website. More interaction is expected to result in higher conversions and fewer cart abandonments.
2. Display Video to Encourage Buying:- Videos increase the customer staying time on the website. Not just this, video helps shoppers to envision how a single object could look at them. Video captures actual movement, rather than static pictures. You should enter the dressing room as close as possible. So, try to add a video to your product page.
3. Write Pre-Sales Questions with User-Generated Content:- Pre-sales questions are another important way to increase purchase. People love when they find their doubts on the product page in the format of some question. They will read all the prerequisites then which will definitely clear all their doubts. Hence, more chance of buying a product. It is a good approach to build trust among customers.
How to Create Desire with Persuasive Copy?
The copy will go as far as selling photos on your product website. It is important to create a copy of your product with the necessary details. Here we will answer how to write a copy, creating desires and selling more of your goods.
1. Follow AIDA:- AIDA principle never disappoint you. It works in every field whether you are writing a blog or creating a copy. The four important pillars of AIDA are attention, interest, desire, and finally action. You have to execute this on your product page. Catchy headlines and images of products help in grabbing attention. Next, the description develops interest by telling who it is for. By explaining the advantages of the product in the rest of the description induces a desire to buy. Finally, an important call to action at the bottom of the segment helps to turn a random visitor into a customer. So, did you notice how AIDA is working fine on the product page?
2. Setup Product Descriptions for Supreme Impact:- Formatting is important in the product description. If you will add a paragraph then people won’t budge an effort to read it. Instead, add bullet points and numbers. Also, if you have more to say about a product then our advice is to keep the main description under 4 lines. But make sure that 4 lines are of high quality. Also, to make a compelling product description, you need to add feelings or things that will connect with your customers. It is advised to add feel-good words for low-end products. Again. If you are selling expensive products then use utilitarian words.
3. Attach Customer Reviews:- Customer review build assurance and trust regarding product but where to place it. Putting consumer feedback next to the action call or some other pressure point eliminates anxiety and creates confidence in the buyer. You can try being creative by displaying a rating of your product.
How the Harmonious Product Page Layout Can Create Faithful Clients?
Okay, now the good and consistent page layout brings more attention and sale. So, it is high time to try on the things that are working best in the eCommerce store.
1. Use Color to Draw Attention:- Always use colours that grab attention. You have to decide this on your own. There is this myth that only certain colours bring conversions. But that’s just not true. You have to see, explore and then decide the colour. Try to go with combinations that are captivating.
2. Reduce Friction with Smart Spacing:- Try to keep it simple by adding white space. White space simplifies the processing of pages. Know that the aim should be to reduce friction with smart white spacing.
How to Build Your Product Page Design Interactive for Better Conversions?
The first impression lasts forever, so it is important to build a product page design that connects with customers. Now, you must be wondering how you’re gonna achieve it. Well, here in this part, we will walk you through the things that bring customers and engagement to your site.
1. Encourage Engagement with Animations:- Animation scan really skyrockets your sales. Animations are generally feedback. It can be anything like changing button colour, moving cart and much more. It removes uncertainty among the customers. You can try little animations on your product page.
2. Acquire New Customers with Exit-Intent Popups:- Popups are unbelievably distracting but also work unreasonably well in transforming visitors into leads. It can make online shopping fun for some customers if you offer them a discount or ask a question to make a purchase worthwhile. But it should not disturb the customer shopping experience. It will not appear until the customer indicates he is no longer interested in shopping.
3. Lessen Confuse with Accordions:- Accordions provide shoppers with all the knowledge they need without getting distracted by the clean and intuitive way. These tabbed drop-downs which disclose or obscure text, keep the page uncluttered while shoppers are allowed to access the content.
How to Capture Shopper Information?
The aim of your product page or eCommerce site is to capture shopper information. Every visitor is a potential lead. So it is important to capture their details even if they are not buying anything. Here in the segment, we will learn how to turn missing figures into potential sales.
1. Collect Email Addresses with Popups:- Popups are a great way to collect customer details like email address and name. But the thing here is why would a random visitor give you his/her email address. That’s actually possible if you will offer them something in return like coupon codes, discount or simply a message with a compliment.
2. Embrace the Out of Stock Opportunity:- If the product is out of stock then you can ask a customer for their email address so that you can notify them about a product. It is a good way to collect potential lead and a way to bring the best out of the “out of stock” opportunity.
How to Offer Friendly Service to Your Prospects?
A happy customer should be the ultimate aim of your eCommerce store. That is only possible if you will offer a friendly service to your customers. It is very crucial for running a successful eCommerce store. Here in this section, we will put light on some factors that help in achieving that.
1. Clearly Enumerate Shipping and Return Policies:- The best way to gain customer trust is to be transparent about shipping charges. Customers hate when eCommerce stores keep them in the dark about shipping charges. Be crystal clear. Next, be specific on the return policies. Have they 10 days to return the commodity, a lavish whole month, or not? Clearly state it and don’t leave room for uncertainty.
2. Enable Live Chat:- Having a live chat option on your eCommerce store helps customers instantly if they have any problem while purchasing. Customers love when they find answers on the spot. It provides an assurance and builds trust for your eCommerce store.
3. Keep A Check On Your Website’s Speeds:- Always keep a check on your website speed. Nobody wants a loading or buffering while making a purchase.
That’s all! Here we have embedded a fully comprehensive guide on the eCommerce product page design. All you have to do is implement the steps that work best for you. Always bear in mind that your product page should be something out of the box. Always make it attractive. If you find any difficulty you can hire an eCommerce web development company to make your work easier. On that note, you can always reach out to RVS Media, one of the best eCommerce development companies.
In case if you have any queries, write back to us in the comments section.